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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Prayer Request

When I picked Batman up from preschool today, his teacher asked if I would wait until the other children were gone so that she could talk to me about something. I waited patiently letting my mind wander in anticipation of the worst - had Batman escaped again? Finally, she said, "I have a delightful story to share with you. In morning circle, we always ask the students if they have anything special that they would like to pray about. Often, they say, my parents or family or pets. But today, 'Batman' had a special request. He asked if we would all join him in prayer to make him a real superhero." She said she couldn't help but giggle and then watched as he folded his little hands and closed his eyes tightly and said, "Dear Lord, pleeeease make me Batman. I will eat all of my dinner to get strong muscles. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen."

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